Myanmar’s Yangon Elevated Expressway project delayed for two months due to COVID-19

Construction News Myanmar

Myanmar’s Yangon Elevated Expressway project delayed for two months due to COVID-19

The tender process for the Yangon Elevated Expressway has been suspended for two months due to COVID-19, according to the committee in charge under the Ministry of Construction.

“The tender was originally scheduled for end of April but we’ve postponed it to late June,” said U Kyi Zaw Myint, deputy director general of Road Department under the Ministry of Construction.

He added that a public meeting was held in February involving the townships that the flyover will pass through. “We have already incorporated some of the people’s requests. The next meeting will be held after the month of June, before implementing the project. We’ll implement further demands from the public depending on instructions issued by the health ministry,” he said.

The Yangon Elevated Expressway will be implemented by the Ministry of Construction and Yangon Region Government under a Public Private Partnership with the winning bidder. The expressway will pass through eight townships – Mingalar Taung Nyunt, Tamwe, Thingangyun, South Okkalapa, North Okkalapa, Mayangone, Mingaladon and Insein.

Construction of the expressway is now targeted to begin in August and put into operation by May 2025. When complete, it will be 27.5 km in length, 8m to 19.5m in height and comprise four lanes. The project is valued at about US$900 million.

Proposals for the project were first invited in May 2018 and 53 companies expressed interest in building the expressway. Twelve consortium groups submitted proposals in November 2018.

A list of ten companies that met the criteria to be considered as prequalified bidders were announced in December 2018. These companies are expected to participate in the tender process later in June. – Translated
