Rayong added to high-speed rail link

Construction News

Bidding for the construction of a high-speed train line to Rayong is expected to be held by the first quarter of next year, State Railway of Thailand (SRT) governor Prapat Chongsanguan said on Monday.

The decision to set a timeline follows the launch of a study on the environmental impact and other details which could be completed in the next six months, he said.

“The signing of the construction contracts could be no later than the first quarter of next year,’’ Mr Prapat told FM90.5 news programme.

Initial plans were to build a high-speed train from Bangkok to Pattaya, but Rayong would be added.

Mr Prapat said the railway agency had forwarded the plan change to the Transport Ministry to build the line from Bangkok to Rayong. The new plan needs cabinet approval.

Other routes to be built are lines from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Nong Khai and Padang Besar. Construction will be carried out in phases.

The Pattaya to Rayong route is expected to be completed first as the SRT is responsible for the study, while the other projects are under the Office of Transport and Policy and Planning, he said.

The line will be built along the existing track to avoid problems with land expropriation.

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/349793/quick-move-on-high-speed-train-to-rayong

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