Builk.com offers small and medium-sized construction firms free software and application services

Construction News

Small and medium-sized construction firms can now avail free of charge Web-based software and application services, thanks to the efforts of local software company Builk Asia, which has developed construction software called Builk.com.

Builk.com is an online and social network platform offering free construction business software.

Builk Asia’s business development director Patai Padungtin said that the aim of providing free software services to companies in the construction industry, where most of them are small and medium-sized businesses, was to give them tools to increase business efficiency without the cost of investment.

Currently, Builk.com has about 3,200 users since it became available in April last year.

“Software on Builk.com is free. Our main revenue comes from advertisements of related products and services in the construction business. For example, our advertising customers are SCG, Shera, Tata Steel and Sripathum University. It is a new business model that gives everyone a win-win situation. The small- and medium-sized construction firms can use the software for free, we get income by providing the free service, and suppliers and other related businesses in the construction industry can advertise their products to potential customers,” said Patai.

Read more and Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/technology/SMEs-GET-ACCESS-TO-FREE-SOFTWARE-30172260.html

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