Thailand Construction News Most Popular Blog Articles of the Past Year (2011): nos 11-20


It is just over a year since we launched Thailand Construction News website.

You might be interested to know that the following Blog Articles are Thailand Construction News most popular Blog Articles of the past year nos. 11-20.

In the next issue of Thailand Construction News we will bring you the most popular Blog Articles of the past year: nos 1-10.

11 Who sells or distributes solar panels for home use in Thailand?

12 Society of Professional Engineers in Thailand (SPET) Monthly Members Meetings

13 Shortest speech by CEO of Cocacola – very impressive

14 Five Mistakes Expats Make with Their Money

15 Is the new TCN E-newsletter (web linked) losing its appeal compared to the original TCN E-newsletter (PDF layout)?

16 Thailand Immigration Regulations Tightened, Vientiane embassy takes stern stance

17 The birth of Thailand Construction News (TCN)

18 Fly to the luxurious Soneva Kiri resort on Thailand’s Koh Kood Island

19 Need Thailand’s Immigration be such an ordeal?

20 Thailand construction News Reader’s Email on Building Information Modelling (BIM)

If you want to read any of the above Blog Articles, simply go to the website NEWS page and do a search.

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