Would you like to help Bryan Robson and the Thailand National Football Team?

Construction News

We received a request to help Bryan Robson (ex-England and Manchester United captain, and now Thailand National Football Team manager), Steve Darby (Assistant Manager) and the Thailand National Football Team.

We have decided to put our Manchester City allegiances to one side, temporarily, and turn a blind eye to Bryan’s past exploits on the ‘outskirts’ of the City of Manchester, in order to help the our local and adopted countries footballing stars. 

There is a football academy’s grounds / facilities in Bangkok, and if the cost of renovation of those facilities is not prohibitive, then moves can be made to provide the facilities for the use of the Thailand National Football Team.

Where do you come in to this? Well in the next week or so, Bryan and his associates require the services – provided free – of a representative of a contractor or a consultant or a retiree, an expert in construction, who could accompany them to inspect the football academy’s grounds and facilities in Bangkok and offer them advise on the works that would be required to get it back in to mint condition again.

Would you like to help? If so, send us your contact details through our ‘Contact’ page and we will pass them.

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