Thai Government to mull Baht33bn 19.25km third ring road plan for Bangkok linking Chalongrat, Nakhon Nayok and Saraburi

Construction News

Thai Government to mull Baht33bn 19.25km third ring road plan for Bangkok linking Chalongrat, Nakhon Nayok and Saraburi

The Expressway Authority of Thailand (Exat) will propose a 33.4-billion-baht project to the government to build a 19.25km third outer ring road, according to Exat governor Surachet Laophulsuk.

He revealed that Exat would present the study and assessment of the project to the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) today, having arranged the second public hearing for the project yesterday.

The project has been costed at 33.4 billion baht for a 19.25-kilometre expressway linking Chalongrat, Nakhon Nayok and Saraburi. It is part of the Motorway-Rails (MR) project.

The new “MR 10” expressway will also extend to the Chatu Chot toll station in northern Bangkok.

Mr Surachet said that the new road would ease traffic congestion and connect to the MR 3 Kanchanaburi-Sa Kaeo project in the future.

He revealed that the proposal would be presented to the cabinet by the end of January if no revisions are required.

After that, Exat will propose a royal decree for land expropriation along the route.

There are expected to be 850 land plots expropriated, and all landowners will be fairly compensated, he said.

Expropriation would take place during 2024-2025 before construction begins in 2024 to 2027, taking up to 36 months, Mr Surachet said.

He also revealed that the 33.4 billion baht can be divided into the construction cost worth 26.1 billion baht and land ownership arrangement costs of 7.3 billion baht.

Exat will provide most of the budget. However, there will also be investment by the Thailand Future Fund and loans.

A private company will run the toll system on a 30-year concession.

According to the project’s economic study, the expressway offers a net present value of 29.4 billion baht, Mr Surachet said.

Also, the study forecasted an internal economic rate of return of 19.57%, 12%, which is higher than the rate fixed by the NESDC.

Mr Surachet revealed the toll for four-wheel vehicles would be 25-45 baht, 55-85 baht for six to ten-wheel vehicles.

Vehicles with more than ten wheels would be charged 80-130 baht.

The fares will increase by 1.25 baht per kilometre and be adjusted every five years according to the consumer price index, he said.
