Ministry of Electricity and Energy has received six tender applications for the construction of a 300-megawatt power plant, according to Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise.
The applications came from:
a consortium of Maxpower Myanmar Pte Ltd, LNG Link Pte Ltd, Consultant International Company Pte Ltd, SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation, a joint venture between Indonesia, Singapore and China;
the UK-based Aggreko International Projects Ltd;
China Energy Engineering and China ITS Holdings Co Ltd;
Singapore-based Karpowership Asia Company Pte Ltd;
a consortium of National Infrastructure Holdings Company, Ace Resources Group Pte Ltd, MCM Pacific Pte Ltd and APR Energy Plc; a joint venture between Myanmar, Singapore and the US;
and CRRC Ltd and V Power Engineering Ltd from Hong Kong and China.
The ministry will announce the winner on September 9 to install a new generator that can run on a duel-fuel system.
Some bidders urged the ministry to extend the deadline but it stuck to the timeframe because it said the project needed to be completed ahead of the next hot season to meet rising demand for power.
Source: http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/business/5725