Siemens Industrial expands tech service solutions in energy, building infrastructure and manufacturing businesses

Construction News
Suwannee Singluedej, president and chief executive of Siemens Industrial

Siemens Industrial expands tech service solutions in energy, building infrastructure and manufacturing businesses

Siemens Industrial is taking the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to expand its technology service solutions in three key businesses — namely energy, building infrastructure and manufacturing — that it believes will become more technology-driven in response to pandemic concerns.

“We can’t avoid talking about Covid-19, which affects all of us,” Suwannee Singluedej, president and chief executive of Siemens Industrial, said yesterday.

She said the pandemic will speed up Thailand’s transformation towards Industry 4.0, which blends manufacturing with digital technology and data analysis.

The German company is looking forward to forming new partnerships with both the government and businesses.

“About 50% of our projects will be in the state sector and the others in the private sector,” Ms Suwannee said, adding that some are currently in talks and she could not elaborate.

She highlighted the company’s recent signing of a memorandum of understanding with the National Science and Technology Development and 12 other public and private organisations on a plan to increase the country’s industry competitiveness under Industry 4.0.

The Internet of Things and data analysis are key parts of the project, she said.

In wider business and social contexts, the pandemic has seen more people work from home and become aware of hygienic standards.

Siemens have already developed systems and software to satisfy these needs, such as touchless technology that decreases touch points when people use facilities in public places or technology that allows manufacturing to continue during lockdown periods.

Even software that can help limit the number of people in a room is designed to be in line with social distancing guidelines.

“Home is now the second workplace, public space requires optimisation for social distancing, and the touchless economy is gradually shaped by new behaviour and municipal regulations,” Ms Suwannee said.

It’s not just an opportunity for Siemens, she said. Business owners can use the crisis to adopt Industrial 4.0 by digitalising their companies and factories.

She acknowledged that some businesses are reeling from virus impact and their financial troubles may prevent them from making new investments in technology.

“But technology is only part of the solution during the pandemic,” Ms Suwannee said, stressing the need to first look at urgent problems to pull themselves out of the crisis.

Industries such as food and electronics, however, suffered little or no impact and can seriously start considering technological change, she said.
