Christiani & Nielsen established 90 years ago in Thailand

Construction News

Christiani & Nielsen established 90 years ago in Thailand

On 28 February 2021 the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok released historical memo, as part of 400 years relationship celebration, on this day 91 years ago:

28 February 1930: On this day one of the most prominent Danish construction and engineering companies in Thailand was established – Christiani & Nielsen.
Originally founded in Copenhagen in 1904 by Rudolf Christiani and Aage Nielsen, Christiani & Nielsen specialized in bridge construction, marine works and other reinforced concrete structures.
The company was a Danish pioneer in taking its expertise abroad and it established itself very early on in countries as far away as the Kingdom of Siam.

Christiani & Nielsen has contributed greatly to the large number of Danish construction and engineering landmarks found all over Bangkok today and is responsible for noticeable landmarks such as Democracy Monument, Klong Toey Port, and the Asian Games Sports Stadium.

In 1992, Christiani & Nielsen became fully Thai owned after completing a reverse takeover of its publicly listed Danish parent company. It was the first such transaction in Thai history

While Christiani & Nielsen is today history in Denmark, it remains an active engineering and construction company in Thailand with more than 5000 staff and workers and the company stands as a great example of commercial and historical collaboration between Denmark and Thailand.
