PowerChina Resources eyes power transmission lines in Cambodia

The Beijing-based PowerChina Resources Limited (PCR), a shareholder of Sinohydro Kamchay Hydroelectric Project Co. Ltd, which developed the Kamchay hydroelectric dam in Kampot, expressed its interest in building electricity transmission lines in Cambodia. This expression of interest was made when the director general of PCR, Du Chunguo, met the Kingdom’s Minister of Mines and Energy, […]

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Sumitomo sees Thailand as hub for construction machinery sales to the region

THAILAND could be strategically promoted by Japan-based Sumitomo Construction Machinery as the distribution and financial hub of Asean, especially CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam), to cash in on the region’s high mid- and long-term potential, Kazuhiko Sasaki, the company’s president director for Southeast Asia said. Sumitomo Construction Machinery is one of the world’s leading […]

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Vietnam’s Cốc San power plant opens

The new Cốc San power plant in this northern province, a run-of-river hydropower facility supplying almost 30MW of power to regional off taker Northern Power Corporation, opened yesterday. The US$50m plant is backed by Vietnamese and foreign private investment and InfraCo Asia, a commercially managed infrastructure development and investment company funded by the governments of the […]

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