AVENTEC, for Full Control of Everything that’s Important in Managing your Construction Projects

Construction News Product News
Bangkok’s MahaNakhon tower and Chao Phraya Estate projects were developed using the same project control systems incorporated into the AVENTEC software

AVENTEC, for Full Control of Everything that’s Important in Managing your Construction Projects

AVENTEC is a cloud-based construction industry project management and document control system, which enables project managers, clients, consultants, quantity surveyors and contractors to work together and have access to the right information needed for their specific roles in the overall construction project.

Multiple projects can be managed at the same time with different organisations and people appointed to different roles in each project





AVENTEC was founded in 2021 by Tony Smith who has 40 years’ experience in the construction industry and Steve Smith who is an award-winning computer scientist.

AVENTEC gives you full control of everything that’s important in managing your construction projects.

AVENTEC is a cloud-based construction industry project management and document control system, which enables project managers, clients, consultants, quantity surveyors and contractors to work together and have access to the right information needed for their specific roles in the overall construction project.

Multiple projects can be managed at the same time with different organisations and people appointed to different roles in each project. Information is highly structured, properly controlled and easy to find.


PIC With all the information at your fingertips AVENTEC software gives you a confident and professional approach during meetings.

Some of the key benefits of the AVENTEC system
• All your project documents in one place
• Full document revision control
• Full authorisation and process control
• At a glance view of the state of your project
• You can get started on the “Basic” version for FREE!





A dashboard showing key statistics; Record logs listing the key details of items such as Requests for Information, Notice of Delay etc. with filters to find and drill down to view individual records; Notifications of key process events.

At a glance view of the state of your project
Let your client or manager see all the key details of the project for a thorough understanding of progress and costs.
AVENTEC has a built-in dashboard with graphs to show all the key construction and commercial information with filters to provide more detailed analysis.
This is a great tool for senior managers and busy executives and excellent for demonstrating your knowledge in those difficult project meetings.

All your project documents in one place
No more hunting about and searching through filing cabinets, emails or desktop folders to find the document you are looking for!
With AVENTEC all your project documents are stored in a secure cloud-based environment* and organised in a highly structured manner with very specific document logs and useful filters with key document details shown on screen with links back to the original document.

Because AVENTEC is cloud based, you can access your information from anywhere in the world.
All the information at your fingertips, from your laptop in any meeting, anywhere!

AVENTEC provides all the necessary products to stay in control of your project

*AVENTEC uses Amazon Web Services to ensure your project documents and information are held in a secure and trusted environment.





Tony Smith, Director
M: +66 (0) 878 317 117
E: tony AT aventec.net
W: www.aventec.net
