Exceptional number of hits on ‘Thailand Construction News’ website Construction Article


Are people trying to intentionally manoeuvre this News Article to be our ‘Most Read’ Article, or is there a genuine interest?

On 9 February 2011, we uploaded a news article captioned “Zinc InVision to launch 28 hotels across Mid-East in $180m plan” which ran as follows:

“Zinc InVision, a joint venture between Thailand’s InVision Hospitality and Singapore investment firm Cinnovation CG, will develop 28 hotels across the Middle East by 2020 as part of a $180m plan to take a slice of the Asian tourism market.

The Bangkok-based firm plans to initially launch four deluxe hotels, two five-star and two mid-tier properties in Dubai, said Jean Marc Lafosse, vice president of development.”

Usually our news articles receive several hundred reader hits, but for some unknown reason (to us anyway) this news article has received close to 3,000 hits to date.

Can anybody shed some light for us on what the interest is (we think it might be being found by Middle Eastern new readers)?

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