3rd Thai-lao Friendship Bridge Expected To Be Opened Next Year

Construction News Laos

The construction of the third Thai-Lao friendship bridge over the Mekong River which is progressing significantly is expected to be opened in November next year, Thai News Agency (TNA) reported.

Veera Ruangsuksriwong, director-general of Thailand’s Highways Department, said that the 3rd Thai-Lao friendship bridge that will link the Thai province of Nakhon Phanom and the Lao province of Khammouan was over 70 percent completed.

The progress of the construction is ahead of the due date of completion by as much as 30 percent.

If the construction continues at this pace, the new bridge can be opened in November next year.

Veera said that the 3rd Thai-Lao friendship bridge would benefit trade, transportation, tourism, cultural exchange and economic development of both countries.

The construction of the 1,760 million baht friendship bridge measuring 1,423 meters long and 13 meters wide is financed by the Thai government.

The 4th Thai-Lao friendship bridge is also underway.

Its construction has started and is expected to be completed within 2014.

Thailand and Laos plan four bridges to link their lands.

Two of them have been opened.

The first bridge connects Thailand’s Nong Khai province with Vientiane, the Lao capital while the 2nd bridge links the Thai province of Mukdahan and the Lao province of Savannakhet.

The 2nd bridge was opened in 2006. Today it serves over 5,000 vehicles a day and generates a combined toll income of 60,000 baht per day.

Source: http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsworld.php?id=551295

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