Thailand Immigration Rules Eased


Thailand Immigration Rules Eased for Alien Specialists to work on the revival of flood-stricken manufacturing facilities

The Cabinet has approved a decision to be lenient on immigration and visa rules for foreign specialists employed by Thai or foreign operators to work on the revival of flood-stricken manufacturing facilities.

Deputy Government Spokesman Chalitrat Chandrubeksa said the reports presented at the Cabinet’s meeting suggested that 4 of 7 major industrial estates are now completely dry, and their factories are able to resume about 20 percent of their normal operating capacities.

Chalitrat said the remaining 3 flood-hit estates are now in the final stage of rehabilitation and they should resume partial operations sometime next week.

He went on to say the Industry Ministry has offered flood-hit operators with a package of incentives such as debt deferment, long-term loans with lenient conditions, and tariff deductions on imported machines and 21 material items.

The deputy spokesman said 1,444 operators have registered to receive the incentives.

He said the Cabinet approved a waiver of the fee on visa services yesterday, as well as a lift of the legal limit of the stay period of 90 days for foreign specialists or engineers employed by Thai or foreign operators working on the restoration of the flood-hit facilities.

He said the Foreign Ministry has informed Thai embassies and consulates overseas about the decision to ease its immigration rules.

Chalitrut remarked that the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board said the relaxed rules were proposed by Japan, so the police agency, particularity its immigration body, must be instructed to implement the changes quickly.

He said the fee waivers will be implemented on particular visa codes, namely NON-EX for foreign experts, NON-B for foreigners who visit the country for business reasons, NON-IB for foreign investors or those whose visits are in a connection with the investment promotion law, and NON IM for visitors who are invited by state agencies and NON-O for others who arrived with the aforementioned types of visitors.


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