Yangon tall buildings get all clear

Construction News Myanmar

Yangon tall buildings get all clear

Yangon Region has permitted construction of almost all of the 200 tall buildings which were suspended earlier this year with only six buildings left waiting for permission, according to construction sources.

The construction of nearly 200 buildings with more than 12 floors, which were allowed by the previous government, were stopped by the National League for Democracy administration after a review on May 14.

After the review, 12 out of the nearly 200 buildings were instructed to reduce their floors so contractors sent a letter of appeal to the Yangon Region chief minister and a complaint to the regional parliament’s committee for finance, planning and economy.

On July 21, contractors held a press conference to express grave concern over losses and the possible collapse of the private construction sector. Later, the committee reportedly sent its findings to the government, advising against the action if the contractors had complied with regulations when inspections were carried out. The suspended 12 buildings got permission without the need to reduce their floors.

Forty-three other buildings got permission again on November 8 after the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) instructed them to follow the regulations. However, those buildings were given the all clear after a suspension of about six months.

“Almost all of the buildings have been allowed but there are still six left,” said a construction contractor.

An official from the YCDC building department also said all building developments would be allowed gradually.

Source: http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/local/7151

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