Thailand’s AOT pushes forward airport development projects to meet passengers’ growth

Construction News

Thailand’s AOT pushes forward airport development projects to meet passengers’ growth

Airports of Thailand (AOT) is working on development projects for major airports to meet an increasing number of passengers.

AOT President Nitinai Sirismatthakarn said the development of AOT’s operating airports is currently in the process of developing Phase 2 of Suvarnabhumi airport where the construction was commenced on 14 September 2016, and is expected to be completed in 2019.

Phase 2 part of the development project will help the Bangkok international airport accommodate 12.5 million passengers per year, doubling the current capacity of 6.5 millions per year.

The AOT has established its 10-year strategy for 2016-2025 on the development of its operating 6 airports using 220 billion baht budget to increase the total passenger capacity of all 6 airports to 185 million by the year 2025. The project goes in keeping with the transportation development strategy to enhance the country’s competitiveness and upgrade the living quality of Thai people.

The airports’ extension project complies with the Thailand 4.0 development goal and the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan.

AOT president said the agency is focusing on commercial developments, aiming to receive the equal amount of aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenues from airports operation by 2020.

The plan is intended to reduce the risk of income fluctuation from aeronautical revenues. The AOT currently receive 53 percent income from aeronautical revenues, and 47 percent income from non-aeronautical revenues.

The AOT is conducting a feasibility study to commercially develop free space at Don Muang airport and Suvarnabhumi airport as well as the Airport City project which will include hotels and shopping malls.

The AOT is also anticipating to establish an affiliate company to provide ground operations, enhancing the efficiency of zonings, increasing the capacity of passenger terminals at regional airports, and work with airlines on new business opportunities such as the opening of new routes or increasing the services to and from the airports.

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