Thai Govt eyes LNG to compensate declining natural gas supply

Construction News Laos

The Ministry of Energy prepares to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) for electricity generation as the amount of natural gas available in the country is found to be on a sharp decline.

Deputy Permanent Secretary for Energy Norkhun Sitthipong explained that the energy demand in Thailand over the next twenty years was expected to increase in accordance with the size of population, which could top 75 million by 2014, and the economic growth averaging 4.2% per year.

Mr Norkhun stated that 72.5% of the total power was currently generated from natural gas. This proportion is already considered too high. He said Thailand would definitely face a gas shortage problem when the electricity generation hit the expected maximum of 58,890 megawatts.

In addition to natural gas, Thailand is also exploiting other sources of power, such as alternative energy, diesel fuel, lignite, furnace oil, coal, and external supply from Malaysia and Laos, to compensate the rising demand. The Energy Ministry is seeking a way to increase the proportion of alternative energy, or it will have to import LNG as a substitute for the diminishing gas to prevent the energy crisis.


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