Phnom Penh – Mondulkiri highway construction planned

Cambodia Construction News
Work progressing feverishly at sections of the expressway.

Phnom Penh – Mondulkiri highway construction planned

A highway project linking the capital of Phnom Penh to Mondulkiri province, the eastern part of the country, is planned to facilitate the travel of tourists and goods transport as the government sets the Mondulkiri province as the hub of the country’s fourth economic pole.

The Phnom Penh – Mondulkiri highway construction was mentioned in the master plan of tourism development in Mondulkiri province for 2022-2035, which was launched on April 12.

The plan promotes the study and development of the highway connecting Phnom Penh to Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri Province, which is set in the vision to 2035.

The first-ever expressway, connecting Phnom Penh to Preah Sihanoukville, southwest Cambodia’s coastal area, is expected to commence within this year.
