McConnell Dowell is pleased to announce the award of another gas pipeline EPC project in Thailand. PTT Public Company Limited, Thailand’s state-owned oil and gas company has awarded McConnell Dowell Constructors Thai Ltd the contract for design, procurement, construction and commissioning of a 48 km, 28-inch diameter gas pipeline linking the Provincial Gas Transmission Pipeline Project to Nakhon Ratchasima Extension Phase. The works include procurement of all line pipe, valves and permanent materials, construction of four block valve stations and tie-in facilities, SCADA and communications systems. Our team brought a proactive approach to minimising stakeholder impact through an innovative construction methodology utilising trenchless technology.
This award extends McConnell Dowell’s successful relationship with PTT over three decades and follows on from the successful completion of the Fourth Transmission Pipeline EPC2 Contract in 2014/2015, which included 60 km of 42-inch diameter pipeline, 18 block valve stations, 2 major end facilities and approx. 20 km of pipe installation by horizontal directional drilling or Direct Pipe processes. This project involved over four million workhours, was delivered Lost Time Injury Free and was an effective demonstration of collaborative stakeholder engagement.
Design works on the pipeline to Nakhon Ratchasima will commence in August 2016. The construction phase will be from mid-2017 to mid-2018.
Source: http://www.mcconnelldowell.com/news/3227-mcconnell-dowell-awarded-ratchasima-gas-pipeline