Ericsson obtains Thai DTAC 153 million and moves the broadband contract

Construction News

Ericsson claims to obtain the network staging contracts of the second leading telecommunication operator DTAC in Thailand.

According to the contract, Ericsson is responsible for to 3G and 4G the nationwide 2G network staging of DTAC, and is responsible for the management of the new network in the first year when the network runs.

Ericsson shows, this staging can make users get the better intellectual mobile phone to experience, more quick Net surfing and speed of download.

The president Joacim Damgard of Ericsson Thai Company shows, this contract is expected in the following 35 years, can bring 1 billion about Swedish Krone ‘ 153 million dollars) Income.

DTAC is controlled interest by the Norwegian operator Telenor, has 20 million users, the data announced according to Telenor at present, by the third quarter of 2010, the market share of DTAC will account for 30%.

Damgard reveals, DTAC can start the new network this year, initial stage begin in big cities such as Bangkok,etc. first at the same time.

Damgard claims, the annual growth of the flowrate of data of Thailand in 30%, mainly and move the hastening and moving of broadband service the intellectual mobile phone.

He adds, estimates that moves the growth rate of broadband and is expected to further increase in the following several years, because 3G that Thailand delayed for several times has auctioned and already inhibited this demand.

In the global range, the demands for intellectual mobile phones such as the apple iPhone and Android,etc. are all increasing.

According to the research institution Gartner latest result of study of the market, in the third quater of 2010, the sales amount of the global intellectual mobile phone has already doubled, reach 81 million, accounts for 19% of the sales amount of the whole mobile phone.

Yesterday, Ericsson camp that released fourth quarter charged the report, increased and promoted the rising of Ericsson’s sales amount to the demand for moving the broadband device too, Ericsson estimates this growth trend will continue keeping in 2011.

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