Is the new TCN E-newsletter (web linked) losing its appeal compared to the original TCN E-newsletter (PDF layout)?


We recently received an email with the comments below from a TCN reader and ex-work colleague:

I thought I give you my personal comment of the new TCN E-newsletter format.

Perhaps it can be of some input.

Personally I think the new TCN E-newsletter (web linked) is losing its appeal compared to the original TCN E-newsletter (PDF layout).

For me, to read news from a website, it feels not personal. There are many websites competing for a user to read it. And because I browse through so many websites a week, it has become a habit not to stay too long in each website.

The Old TCN however, feels as it was tailored. It was special. It was one of a kind, so I do read through all the clippings that you’ve prepared, therefore to download the “new” TCN and open it in my computer seems not as worthwhile, there’s only jokes /Links and advertising in there.

Again, I only meant to mention the above if it can help you to gauge what readers may be feeling of the New TCN E-newsletter.


Thanks for your comments; comments are always welcome.

In truth, in over 5 years of publishing TCN, rarely do I ever get comments with regards ‘form and content’ of TCN E-newsletter.

Prior to the introduction of website last year, it was obviously appropriate to include the full extract of the news article in the E-newsletter. With the introduction of the website, and obviously the name of the game is to try and get readers to spend time at the website, the concept and use TCN E-newsletter is going through a bit of a change. The TCN E-newsletter has become now more of a way of ‘touching base’ with readers and letting them know what’s going on and what they can find on the website.

I will definitely take on board your comments and will probably cease just showing links in the E-newsletter to news articles on the website but instead show the first paragraphs of news articles with a ‘read more’ link. This will give readers a summary of the website news articles in the E-newsletter, and for readers interested in specific news articles they can then click that specific link in the E-newsletter to the website full news article.

I am always open to reader’s comments and especially welcome any comments, positive or negative, of what readers would like to see included and/or excluded in the E-newsletter and on the website.

So over to you readers, please feel free to post your comments here or send us an email. All constructive comments will be used.

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