CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers) presence in Thailand


cibseMatthew Silvester, Executive Engineering Coordinator and Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd, recently contacted us to inform that:

“I’m a regular subscriber to your TCN publication.

You may or may not be aware who “CIBSE” are (Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers). Heretofore the institution has had a limited presence here in Thailand. They have however recently appointed a country representative (me) with a view to growing and raising awareness of the institution in Thailand. There are currently 7 expats (all of senior level) in Thailand that are members (I should imagine most if not all subscribe to TCN) so I was wondering if you would like to add details of this group to TCN?

Matthew Silvester

Executive Engineering Coordinator

Mobile: +66 (0) 81-827-1375

Matthew AT

Thank you Matthew.

You will find that we have added details for CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers) in to the ‘TCN Lists’ section of TCN E-Newsletter.

Why not take a look at the CIBSE website ( ); we have copied below a few extracts from the website for your interest:


The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers received its Royal Charter in 1976. It is the professional body that exists to:

‘support the Science, Art and Practice of building services engineering, by providing our members and the public with first class information and education services and promoting the spirit of fellowship which guides our work.’

CIBSE promotes the career of building services engineers by accrediting courses of study in further and higher education, by approving workbased training programmes and providing routes to full professional Registration and Membership, including Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician. Once you are qualified, CIBSE offers you a range of services, all focussed on maintaining and enhancing professional excellence throughout your career.

What is Building Services?

Imagine yourself in the most fabulous building in the world. Now take away the lighting, heating and ventilation, the lifts and escalators, acoustics, plumbing, power supply and energy management systems, the security and safety systems…and you are left with a cold, dark, uninhabitable shell.

Everything inside a building which makes it safe and comfortable to be in comes under the title of ‘Building services’. A building must do what it was designed to do – not just provide shelter but also be an environment where people can live, work and achieve.

Building services are what makes a building come to life.

They include:

  • energy supply – gas , electricity and renewable sources
  • heating and air conditioning
  • water , drainage and plumbing
  • natural and artificial lighting, and building facades
  • escalators and lifts
  • ventilation and refrigeration
  • communication lines, telephones and IT networks
  • security and alarm systems
  • fire detection and protection

     In every place that you see these services…building services engineers have designed, installed and maintain them in working order. Imagine the air filtration systems you’d need in a forensic laboratory. The heating controls in a special care baby unit? How to control bacteria and humidity in an operating theatre? What about security systems at the headquarters of MI5? Lighting the new Wembley Stadium? Coping with a power cut in a 45 storey office block? This is everyday work for a building services engineer.

    CIBSE Regions

    The Institution is organised on a regional basis – there are 16 regions in the UK and 3 overseas, in the Republic of Ireland, Australia & New Zealand, and Hong Kong with CIBSE members in 87 countries outside the UK. There are country representatives in Sri Lanka, UAE, mainland China, Qatar, and a new one has been appointed to Thailand. We work in partnership with other professional bodies, construction and engineering firms worldwide.


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