Business Opportunity – construction software distributor


Business Opportunity – construction software distributor 

We would appreciate it very much if you could kindly forward the information to your channels.

Our Aim:

1.      We are actively seeking for strategic marketing partners (software distribution agencies or construction consultants and contractors) who will be doing distribution for our company products in Thailand.

2.      We hope we could book an appointment with potential partners in November this year in Thailand, in which our advantages and more detailed technical aspects regarding to our products as well as market profitability will be presented by our engineers and technicians.

The following is a slightly more detailed introduction to our software which we would like to introduce:


GAS2011: Glodon QTO for Architecture and Structure:

1.      a suite of quantity calculation software based on the BIM technology

2.      embedded with two Singapore calculation rules – SMM2 and CEMS-CP97

3.      3D models can be quickly built by users

4.      open functions, easy to learn and operate

5.      high-efficient and intelligent data interaction

6.      clear and traceable result presentation

GME2011: Glodon QTO for mechanical and electrical

1.      BIM technology based product

2.      3D time-cost model can be quickly built by users

3.      quick processing of quantity change, automatic circuit identification for wire conduits, automatic identification of wind pipes to improve efficiency

4.      quantities are easy to calculate and read

5.      simple to operate, lower risk, easy to learn and use

6.      high-efficient and intelligent data interaction

7.      clear and traceable result presentation

Our company profile can be found on our web


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