What do you look for in a Construction & Engineering website?


In putting together http://thailand-construction.com website, it is an assumption of what I believe people are interested in and looking for on the web in a Construction & Engineering website upon Thailand – I guess it mirrors what I look for on the web, that is Jobs, News, Events, etc.

Currently THE most popular sections of http://thailand-construction.com website are the Jobs Section by a long way, and then the News articles.

But what interests you?

What are you looking for in a Construction & Engineering website?

What do you often search for in Google?

What do you expect to see in a Construction & Engineering website?

What does http://thailand-construction.com website not have currently which you would like to see included?

What do you think of http://thailand-construction.com website in its current format?

I would really like your participation in this discussion and love to receive your comments.

Let me know and we’ll try and implement any good suggestions in the website.

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