The Best & Worst Destinations for Living and Working Abroad, Thailand is 6th


The Best & Worst Destinations for Living and Working Abroad, Thailand is 6th

InterNations, the world’s largest expat community with more than 4.8 million members, has published the latest results of its annual Expat Insider survey. This year also marks the survey’s 10th anniversary. With more than 12,000 respondents, Expat Insider is one of the most extensive surveys about living and working abroad. It provides insights into expat life in 53 destinations, offering in-depth information on the respondents’ satisfaction with their respective countries in these five indices: Quality of Life, Ease of Settling In, Working Abroad, Personal Finance, and the Expat Essentials Index.

Expats Enjoy an Affordable Life in Thailand
Thailand ranks 6th out of 53 destinations in the Expat Insider 2023 survey. Cost-conscious ex-pats appreciate Thailand for its readily available and affordable housing (1st), as well as the affordable lifestyle it generally offers. The country ranks 4th in the Personal Finance Index. However, there is still room for improvement regarding Work Culture & Satisfaction (46th) and Safety & Security (45th). All in all, 86% say they are happy with their life in Thailand, compared to a global average of 72%.

The Best & Worst Destinations for Expats in 2023
Out of 53 destinations in the Expat Insider 2023 survey, Mexico (1st), Spain, Panama, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Bahrain, and Portugal (10th) are the best places for expats in 2023. On the other hand, expats consider Kuwait (53rd), Norway, Türkiye, South Korea, Germany, South Africa, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, and Japan (44th) as the worst destinations for expats.

About the Expat Insider 2023 Survey
InterNations has been conducting its annual Expat Insider survey since 2014. This 10th edition of one of the world’s largest expat surveys is based on data from 12,065 expats representing 171 nationalities and living in 172 countries or territories. They provided information on various areas of expat life, as well as their gender, age, and nationality.

Participants were asked to rate up to 56 different aspects of life abroad on a scale of one to seven. The process emphasized the respondents’ personal satisfaction with these factors, considering both emotional topics and more factual aspects with equal weight. The ratings of the individual factors were then bundled in various combinations for a total of 16 subcategories, and their mean values were used to draw up five topical indices: Quality of Life, Ease of Settling In, Working Abroad, Personal Finance, and Expat Essentials. These indices were further averaged together with expats’ general happiness with their life abroad to rank 53 destinations around the world.

To be featured in the indices and overall ranking, a sample size of at least 50 survey participants per destination was necessary.

About InterNations

With more than 4.8 million members in 420 cities around the world, InterNations is the largest global community and a source of information for people who live and work abroad. InterNations offers global and local networking and socializing, both online and face-to-face. At around 4,000 events and activities per month, expatriates have the opportunity to meet other global minds. Online services include discussion forums and helpful articles with personal expat experiences, tips, and information about life abroad. Membership is by approval only to ensure we remain a community of trust. InterNations is part of the NEW WORK SE, a group of brands that offer products and services for a better working life.
