In the years since we commenced publishing Thailand Construction News (TCN) e-newsletter, we have lost count of how many times we have been contacted by a party interested in finding one company or a list of companies, for example, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, a Structural Engineer, in Thailand generally or in a specific place like Phuket. Looking around we concluded that there is not a decent directory for the construction & engineering industries in Thailand and that if we wanted one then we would have to put one together ourselves.
We have also been contacted countless times by companies seeking new projects or works or business opportunities, or enquiring could they possibly advertise their company in Thailand Construction News (TCN) e-newsletter.
We therefore wanted to create a way for companies and organisations to showcase their business, services and/or product/s to other potentially interested parties.
We know from experience that many construction-industries companies do not have the time, and often do not have the know-how, to focus on using websites to advertise themselves to find new clients.
The directory listings enables companies to do all of this without any previous knowledge and in a simple way.
If your company is involved in the construction-industries then your firm needs a presence in this Directory.
Those companies not involved in the construction-industries, but who provide services or products to the local expatriate market, are also invited to join us in this Directory.
We offer a FREE LISTING of company name and company website URL only, a STANDARD LISTING that includes a full page on the directory for your company / product / services together with your website, address and telephone contact details, and in addition, you get an online contact form for emailed enquiries. You can add your listing in up to 10 different sub-categories to help people find you when searching.
All Free Listing and Standard Listing directory entries will appear in alphabetical order in the directory list.
We also offer a FEATURED LISTING which includes all of the Standard Listing features, plus:
- Your Featured Listing entry can include images and/or your company logo.
- Your Featured Listing entry will appear above all Free Listing and Standard Listing directory entries in the directory list guaranteeing that your company will be seen.
- Your Featured Listing entry will have a coloured background to make it standard out from all Free Listing and Standard Listing directory entries.
- Only Featured Listing entrys will appear on the Categories webpages, for example, refer to Quantity Surveying Consultants Ltd’s featured listing on the ‘Consultants’ category webpage in the Directory:
- Your Featured Listing entry will also feature in our e-newsletter to reach an immediate and wide audience.
Check out our prices (on the ‘Listings Info’ page in the Top Menu) and you will see the cost is well within your budget. You cannot afford to miss your chance to be listed in the directory. We provide easy sign up and payment methods.
All STANDARD and FEATURED listings have a number of great features that allow you to tell your story about your company, your services or your products in as much detail as you want. You can add your logo to your listings, images and up to 5000 characters of text as well as full address details. You can fill in as much or as little as you like. All listings have a lclick-through link back to your own website so that visitors can read even more about your services.
What you will end up with is not just an advert or a listing, but your company’s own mini-website (in our directory), presenting key information about your services and/or products to prospective clients.
You can see that everything is of the highest quality with a lot of attention to detail that creates a better visitor experience and a real reason to bookmark this website for repeat visits and in turn more exposure for your company.
To contact us with any questions just click Send an Inquiry.
The old English proverb states that Great oaks from little acorns grow, urging the listener to wait for maturation of a project or idea. It is our aim, with your help and over time, to develop our Directory to be the best and most useful directory out there!